Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner
Today's Hours
7am - 8pm

Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner

Test Your Antioxidant Levels

The Pharmanex Biotonic Scanner is a cutting edge testing tool that non-invasively measures carotenoid levels in your skin, providing an immediate indication of your overall antioxidant levels. This empowers you to make improvements to your diet and lifestyle, and helps you make an informed decision on your nutritional intake, including supplements which are formulated to boost your antioxidant health.

By placing the palm of your hand in front of the scanner’s safe, low-energy blue light, within seconds you will obtain a reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin—your Skin Carotenoid Scores (SCS)—which has been scientifically correlated to overall antioxidant status.  In less than one minute you can find out if your diet, lifestyle and supplements provide the antioxidant protection you need for promoting health.

What Will Your Skin Carotenoid Score Tell You?

Low Score: 0 - 27,000   -   Medium Score: 28,000 - 50,000   -   High Score:  50,000 - 80,000
