Swim Lessons
Today's Hours
7am - 8pm

Swim Lessons

Meet our team of Certified Aquatics Instructors.

Coming this Spring:  TTR Swim School!

Private Lessons with Staley Pearl

Contact Staley directly (865-964-5317, or staley@ttrtennis.com) to schedule.  After booking, please complete Staley's new student intake questionaire.

Lesson Prices - member

Prices are per person

1 swimmer 2+ swimmers (ea)
Age 6mo-4yrs (20 minute): $36 $25
Age 5yrs+ (30 minute): $40 $30

Lesson Prices - non-member

Prices are per person

1 swimmer 2+ swimmers (ea)
Age 6mo-4yrs (20 minute): $45 $30
Age 5yrs+ (30 minute): $50 $36